Public Community Forum November 2024

Meeting minutes, discussion summaries, and presentations from the November 2024 public community forum are available for download on this page.

Will You Take The 10% Challenge?


The Nicola watershed is one of the driest regions of British Columbia. All residents and all sectors must practice water conservation and use water wisely.


Click here to find information about the City of Merritt's watering regulations, indoor and outdoor water use tips, and a chart to show you which daily activities use how much water.


Reducing your water consumption by only 10% will make a significant contribution to the sustainability of the Nicola watershed. Will you accept the challenge?

Nicola Water Use Management Plan

The Nicola Water Use Management Plan is the result of a community-led planning process. This process began in late 2004 and consisted of a plan initiation phase (Phase 1), plan development (Phase 2), plan evaluation (Phase 3) and review by the community, government and stakeholders. A draft plan was completed in March 2009 and a year later, the Plan was submitted to the provincial government for adoption.


The Nicola Water Use Management Plan (Nicola WUMP) was developed by a diverse group of people seeking solutions to long-standing water issues. You can download the current plan as well as a variety of reports and supporting documents


Get Involved

The Nicola Watershed Community Round Table (NWCRT) provides a means for residents of the Nicola River watershed in the southern interior of BC to have a voice in land and resource management to ensure the long-term sustainability of the watershed. We would love to hear from you! Contact us with any questions or suggestions you have.